

2019-2023: B.S. in Data Science, Duke Kunshan University, Kunshan, China

2019-2023: B.S. in Computer Science and Statistics, Duke University, Durham, NC

2017-2019: IB Diploma 42/45, Mahindra United World College of India, Pune, India

Research Interests

Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Data Science

Work Experience

2019: Data Science Intern, Stones2Milestones, India

2020: Research Intern, National Stock Exchange, India

Teaching Experience

2020 Spring: Teaching Assistant, Probability and Statistics, Duke Kunshan University, Kunshan, China

2024 Spring: Teaching Assistant, Computer Vision, Duke University, Durham, NC

2024 Spring: Teaching Assistant, Computer , Duke University, Durham, NC



"Improvisational Games as a Benchmark for Social Intelligence of AI Agents: The Case of Connections." ACL Workshop Wordplay Gaurav Rajesh Parikh^*, Angikar Ghosal^*

^* denotes equal contribution [paper]

Blogpost on dimensionality reduction methods [blog]


"Moving towards a more equal world, one ride at a time: Studying Public Transportation Initiatives using interpretable causal inference." NeurIPS 2022 Workshop CML4Impact Gaurav Rajesh Parikh^*, Albert Sun^*, Jenny Huang^*, Lesia Semenova, Cynthia Rudin

^* denotes equal contribution [paper] [code]




Research Statement

I am broadly interested in how we combine complex datasets including tabular, geospatial, and textual data, with significant missingness, to address complex issues. Having worked with a variety of complex transportation data, crime data, and electronic healthcare records of patients in critical care. I am deeply committed to addressing social, ethical, political, and environmental problems through the power of data science and believe that addressing these issues requires drawing insights across datasets.